About Ashley

If you’re a brave person who feels called to end the cycle of unhealthy patterns, you’re in the right place.

I work with mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other family members who are ready to expand and transform their concept of reality.

Through this work, individuals can create their life without the preconceived conditioning passed down from their upbringing and culture, providing opportunities for the life and relationships of their dreams to manifest.

Hello fellow healing human — I’m Ashley Glowiak, MFT, Ph.D. (c)

First and foremost, I am a mother, wife, and human navigating the healing required to tend to my family, community, and land with integrity and harmony. I am also a Marriage and Family Therapist licensed in California and Colorado, specializing in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy for families. I am a Ph.D. student in the Transformative Studies program at the California Institute of Integral Studies, researching psychedelic therapy and its impact on healing intergenerational trauma within family systems emphasizing maternal health and healing the mother bloodline. I investigate how psychedelic therapy, held within a safe community and environment, can repair human physiology from trauma resulting in restoring fractured family constellations.

 A core focus of my research is resurrecting maternal instinct through plant medicine ceremonies and psychedelic therapy. Families with intact instinctual and intuitive capabilities hold greater resiliency and creativity in navigating parenting challenges in the modern world, which translates to a thriving life for themselves and their children.

I understand that we are in a collective time of healing global and intergenerational traumas. Cultural repair occurs most effectively and efficiently when mothers are positioned reverently as the next generation's lifeline. When mothers are supported, they can raise their children from their highest selves, directly influencing the health and well-being of future communities. In this way, maternal and familial health is humanity's health.

I was born and raised in South Dakota into a dog-loving family. At one point, we had seven dogs that shared our beds! I've enjoyed living in the beautiful great plains, a mile from the Pacific coast, and the mountains of Colorado. I am grateful that immersion in nature and relationships with animals have always been a part of my life. 

I currently reside in Colorado with my four children and husband. We love to stay active in Colorado's multiple seasonal activities and particularly enjoy hiking, biking, camping, swimming, sledding, and skiing. We are building a nature-focused, family-oriented homeschool co-op with fellow families in our community for our children, which has been a joyful, creative undertaking!

My Philosophy

Supporting mothers offers an extraordinary opportunity to transform culture, society, and the health of humanity quickly. All beings come from a mother, and when we can reinstate respect and reverence for the mother as the lifeline to the next generation, we can begin to change the physical, mental, and spiritual health of those who come after. Women of all ages and stages along the parenting continuum can benefit from plant and psychedelic medicines, and I intend to demystify psychedelic care for women. Men are also essential, and I work with men's care by supporting mothers in growing and raising boys and the male presence in partnerships within parenting. I have a strong referral network for men seeking individual transformative care; please inquire.

Additionally, I believe human beings are nature and that each person has an innate intelligence that, when given the right conditions, knows how to heal more than any outside "expert." By creating a container of safety and unconditional, non-judgemental holding, psychoactive medicines connect to the innate intelligence, and profound healing can occur. 

I value each individual's wisdom, intuition, and intelligence and respect them as an expert in their life. I also believe when wounding and trauma happens in a relationship, it is also healed within a relationship, and having a space holder, guide, and therapeutic relationship is essential. 

All people are born with the capacity to heal and create their reality from a position of love resulting in more joy, pleasure, and vibrancy within their family and community. I am passionate about supporting this process. 

My Own Journey

I was diagnosed with treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder as a young adult. After years of unhelpful therapy and harmful prescriptions, I was given an opportunity to work with MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) therapeutically as a medicine modality for PTSD. I had access to my higher self and authentic voice for the first time, which was a life-affirming and exhilarating discovery. From these sessions, I was able to create positive change in my life. I began to study yoga and meditation at Shoshoni yoga ashram at their Colorado and Hawaii locations and obtained my 500-hour yoga teacher training certification. As I grew in my experience of psychedelics and the contemplative studies of yoga and meditation, I became intrigued about the combination of therapy within altered states of consciousness as a means to efficient and effective healing and transformation. In light of this passion, I applied to the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, where I received my Master's in Integral Counseling Psychology. I completed my internships specializing in child and family therapy and ecopsychology and opened a private practice, working predominantly with children and offering co-parenting support. Simultaneously, I continued growing in my personal and professional experiences with psychedelics and joined a plant medicine community. Sitting in plant medicine ceremonies became consistently woven into the rhythm of my life. During this time, I continued to build my private practice and became a birth and postpartum doula in my community. My attendance at births grew my interest and study in perinatal psychology, and I began to braid the worlds of birth/family systems, psychedelics, and ecopsychology.

As I began to hold this inquiry of psychedelic family care, I entered a relationship with my husband, got married, and became pregnant with my first child. Initiating into parenthood was humbling, and the support of psychedelic therapy and plant medicine ceremonies continued to aid in my healing and the healthy transformation of my family. After the birth of my son in 2019, I enrolled in a Ph.D. program. Being a mother and witnessing the violence and dysfunction in the world has been the catalyst for my continued commitment to research and supporting the growing movement of psychedelic therapeutic care.

Now as a mother of four children, I regularly utilize the mystical realms of altered states of consciousness to access deeper insights into my marriage and any emotional and behavioral presentations of my children. The answers I receive from the higher forms of consciousness are aligned with complex truth and increased creativity for repair and solution than what I access with thought alone. This process has allowed me to relate to my family in a way I choose and not from conditioned programming.

When offered in the proper context and held in a loving and safe relationship, I believe psychedelic therapy will be transformative for healing many people, and this is my prayer. I am here to contribute so that my children and theirs live in a world with more health, compassion, and joy.

With reverence and gratitude, I acknowledge all the traditional communities that have carried the wisdom of plant medicine through the violence of colonization and present-day oppression. A portion of all proceeds flows to the various rivers of the plant medicine lineage I have been shaped from, including communities in Colombia, Brazil, Costa Rica, and the states.

My Education & Training

  • MA, Integral Counseling Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies

  • Ph.D. student, Transformative Studies, California Institute of Integral Studies

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist California, LMFT118166

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Colorado, MFT.0001768

  • MAPS MDMA- Assisted Psychotherapy Trainee

  • Psychedelic Research and Training Institute, PRATI

  • Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula

  • RYT 500

Is it time to embrace your next step in healing with psychedelic-assisted therapy?